Alexandr Firsov Apps

International checkers 2.0.2
International checkers - one of the variants of the game ofcheckers.
Anticheckers 2.1.2
Anticheckers, and also Russian, English antidraughts
Russian checkers 3.0.7
Russian checkers - a board game, one of the variants of the game ofcheckers.
Пол Морфи 1.2.2
Collection of chess games of Paul Morphy
Chess PGN reader 1.0.13
Simple application for viewing of pgn-files (files of games ofchess).
Italian checkers 1.0.21
Italian checkers game
Canadian checkers 1.0.2
Canadian checkers game
Brazilian checkers 1.017
Brazilian checkers game
Turkish draughts 1.0.5
Turkish draughts game
Партии Вильгельма Стейница 1.0.2
Collection of games of chess Vilgelma Steynitsa
Mikhail Chigorin 1.0.1
Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin (also Tchigorin) was a leadingRussianchess player. He played two World Championship matchesagainstWilhelm Steinitz, losing both times. The last great playerof theRomantic chess style, he also served as a major sourceofinspiration for the "Soviet Chess School", which dominatedthechess world in the middle and latter parts of the 20th century.
Spanish checkers 1.0.22
Spanish checkers game
Чекерс (английские шашки) 1.2.1
English Draughts - one of the varieties of the game of checkers
Пьяница 1.0.6
Drunkard (card game)